Shareshill Village Hall
Shareshill Village Hall is the responsibility of the the Parish Council. Issues relating to the management of the hall will be included when appropriate on the regular Parish Council agenda. Anyone wishing to raise an issue can address the parish council in person during the "public Session" which at the start of the meeting.

January 2020 saw the opening of the new kitchen (licensed for serving food). It also saw the replacement of the fluorescent tube lights with super-efficient, maintenance-free LED lighting.
In addition to our "green" lighting the hall has a combined air source heat pump heating system and air conditioning.

There is also FREE WIFI for users.
The hall has been re-equipped with a choice of oblong or round tables and new upholstered chairs. Hirers are responsible for ensuring that these are arranged in such a way that that designated fire exits remain clear at all times.

Also available are: provision for a "bought in" bar, a state of the art programmable multicoloured mood lighting, food preparation area with servery and staging if required.

The table below shows the regular bookings and times when it may be available for hire.

For specific hire charges, to check availability or to book the hall please contact Mrs Jean Cox on 01922 418678.

Photo courtesy of Shareshill W.I.

Standard Hire Charges for non profit making organisations. For commercial organisations please check availability and charges by phone (as above)
Monday to Thursday inclusive
Non profit making organisations are charged at £60 per half day or £120 per full day or £18 per hour dependent upon requirements.
Rentals are subject to a minimum charge of £36.00.
Friday to Sunday inclusive
Weddings, parties etc. £180 per full day or £20.00 per hour dependent upon requirements - with a minimum fee of £40.00
For weddings and adult parties, drinks MUST be purchased from the bar. A fully licensed bar is available until a cost of £25.
Bank Holiday Hire charge is double the fee quoted above.
Click on this link for Conditions of Hire and booking form